years ago, unbeknownst to me, I made my first batch of
Greek yogurt. The recipe came from an Indian cook book, which called it yogurt
cheese. I used it as a substitute for cream cheese.
A few years
ago, I began seeing Greek yogurt in every store. Now, it may be more popular
than ordinary yogurt. It is important to read the ingredients on store bought
varieties. I was horrified to discover that some companies simply thicken
ordinary yogurt with cornstarch or gelatin and pass it off as Greek yogurt.
Real Greek yogurt should contain only milk and cultures.
It is very
easy to make homemade yogurt from scratch for a fraction of the cost of
commercial varieties. Greek yogurt is simply strained yogurt. There are many tutorials on the web about
making yogurt. I have tried many of them below is the one that I have found the
most simple and effective.
I always
make yogurt in one gallon batches because I have a large family. When it is
strained it is reduced to between 2 and 3 quarts of Greek yogurt. If you are
unable to consume that much in less than 2 weeks the yogurt can be frozen or
feel free to cut the recipe in half.
First pour 1
gallon milk of milk into a large crock pot, Fresh from the cow (or goat) is
best, Otherwise use minimally pasteurized non-homogenized milk. Most methods
recommend pre scalding (repasteurizing) the milk, but I have found this unnecessary.
Turn the
crock pot on low and check the temperature of the milk every 30 minutes until
it reaches the target temperature of 110 to 115 degrees. When it reaches the
target temperature add ½ cup plain yogurt. Maintain the target temperature for
at least 4 hours and up to overnight. I unplug the crockpot, wrap the whole
thing in a towel, and put it by a heater vent or the warmest spot in the house.
To make
Greek yogurt; line a large colander with cheese cloth, place the colander over
a large bowl, and pour your homemade yogurt or commercial plain yogurt into the
colander. The whey will drip through the colander and the yogurt will thicken. Leave
the yogurt for at least 4 to 8 hours (the longer it strains the thicker it will
become). The finished yogurt can be stored in a mason jar for up to 2 weeks.
Be sure to
use the whey for another purpose. See my post for Sandwich bread made with whey.
She was making Greek Yogurt before it was COOL!